8 steps from a child to a business owner

Czech actress, modeling agency owner, celebrities, Czech celebrities, Rytmus, Gabriela Kratochvilova, Jakub Kohak, Miss Ceske Republiky, 2013, Ceska Miss 2013, success, Europe, young business owner

Nothing good in life is easy. When you are in the middle of your struggle, clear guidance can help you to navigate and keep you going. It is okay to be afraid and face difficult situations. This is how we develop self-confidence. Please stop looking for advice from others and dive deep into your intuition. Start your own business as soon as possible and do what you love.

You will never feel like you work ever again.  Find eight tips leading to your independence. I want to help you to achieve your goals quickly. I have learned this in over 16 years of living my dream. I also attached my personal story as an example. This clarifies how you can apply these tips in your own life.


To become an entrepreneur, you must be very self-motivated and dedicated. By creating a routine in your life, it becomes effortless for you. It takes 30 days to make a new habit. Consistency is the key to freedom for every individual. Have an explicit schedule for your weekly activities and follow the plan. All you need to do is not give up, and you will get the results.

Since I was in childcare, I was working very hard. This sounds weird, right? How can someone in that age work? What I am talking about here is working on myself. This was mainly thanks to my parents.

I remember attending English classes, ballet, and many other activities. It doesn’t matter what I was learning at this stage. More important was to build that habit of doing something, and being constantly busy was the foundation for my future success. I also remember brutal practices of stretching at the ballet school. I was too little to understand what was happening, but the teachers put me through much pain. This is the first time I learned that success requires going through hardship.


Make sure that you learn something every day. Try as many things as you possibly can. Pay attention to how the things make you feel. If you start doing something and feel like you cannot stop, or if you feel satisfied after, that is the best indicator that you are doing something right. Usually, your calling is something you would do if nobody paid you for it. If you enjoy multiple things, go deeper into each hobby and find out which suits you.

I was becoming a teenager in primary school, and my family kept me on a short lead. I wasn’t allowed to go out with friends. I managed to sign up for school activities every day so I didn’t have to sit at home and study. I was learning everything available, including languages,  crafts, playing an instrument, singing in a choir, etc. I also talked with teachers and allowed them to get to know me.


Tell others about it once you find your leash and become good at what you do. Share your success on social media and add the topic to the conversations. People will remember what you do and can easily recommend you to their community. You will gain clients and opportunities.

The director of the primary school called me to the office. She adored me for learning several skills and offered me to meet her friend. She was running a theater school with talented kids. Also, she was an Owner and founder of one of the biggest film and extras agencies in the Czech Republic. I was very excited. I prepared well for casting and was accepted immediately.


You will only last at something if you are passionate about it. We all have different talents and skill sets that help us navigate our place in society. We all have a purpose to be on this beautiful earth. The earlier you find what it is, the better. 

Now, I had something in my life I was super passionate about. There was nothing else in the world I wanted to do more. I started high school studying tourism and hotel management but became more interested in the theater. I remember my day began at 7 a.m. with a cafe cup in my hand, walking sleepily towards the school building. I only survived the hours to please my parents, but I couldn’t wait to attend my theater class afterward. I was even studying texts for theater performances during breaks between classes. I went home from school, and I was exhausted.

I had a meal and 10 minutes of a power nap before leaving to learn another performance. I got home around 10 p.m., and until 3 a.m., I was catching up on my school education. It was an exhausting cycle. At that moment, I knew I would not be a manager in a hotel but an Artist.


Become good at what you do. In the beginning, try to focus on doing as many things as possible, even if you are not 100% confident in them. Learn on the go. There is no such thing as a failure unless you give up on your dream. Once you gain confidence, you can start asking for money. 

It didn’t take long, and I got leading roles in performances. I was also invited to help organize a film and TV castings. At that moment, I wasn’t getting paid; however, being 15 years old, I was learning so much. After earning trust, I got to do my first fashion show for NIKE. I have also been invited to act as an extra for films and commercials. There, I was getting my first income as an artist. I was doing what I love and getting well paid for it. I promised myself that this would be my standard in life.


On your journey, you will come to situations where you realize that “this is not for me” or, on the other hand, “this is what resonates with me.” There is no better coach in the world than your intuition. Look for the answers within yourself and pay close attention. You know what is the best for you! It’s your job, future, and most importantly, your life !!!

Be careful with materialistic distractions and fake people. Find a company where you can earn money and learn about business and marketing. This will be your foundation for future entrepreneurship. 

After finishing high school, I had four years of experience in the film and modeling industry. I also graduated in tourism and hotel management. This combination was an excellent base for what was ahead of me. However, I realized that a hobby is one thing, and making money is another. At that time, I only had a few savings to invest in myself or my own business, and being an employee wasn’t an option then. I wanted to avoid getting distracted by a casual, boring job. I met a group of successful young entrepreneurs and started working in finance. You might remember the multilevel company that was creating young millionaires all over Europe.

I got caught in this aggressive machine of hungry, young, driven people. It reminded me of the Wolf of the Wall Street lifestyle. I loved the energy of spending time with wealthy young men with flash-fast cars throwing incredible parties with celebrities in luxury hotels. I also became the girlfriend of one of the high-up managers in the company, making hundreds of thousands of Czech Crowns per month.  It was a dream. However, I realized that filling out bank forms and doing financial analysis wasn’t my tea. It took me 5x to fill one form.

I wouldn’t say I liked the job. On the other hand, I learned so much about business, money, and sales. I knew my strengths and weaknesses. And I realized that some things I do effortlessly, and some are very difficult. I also learned that I fear calling my potential clients and getting rejected. I have decided I need to do something about it.


The usual human response to fear is to “avoid this as much as possible.” However, it’s only your mind trying to protect you from pain. You can politely thank your mind for looking after you and say “I got this” !!! If something stops you from succeeding, making it your best friend is the best response. It means that you should start doing it as often as possible. Once it becomes easy, you will gain self-confidence and self-trust, which you will need on the next journey. 

In every company, sales is one of the most essential skills to master. I was terrified, so I worked part-time at a call center to overcome my fear. I was sitting 6 hours every day at the computer, calling strangers and trying to sell them products and services. It was difficult for me at the start; however, over time, I became one of the three best sellers in the company. Calling became easy, and I was ready for the next adventure.


There is nothing to stop you now…

Mission accomplished! I had everything I needed to start on my big project. As a bonus, I saved a lot of money to invest in my first website. And start my very own business !!!


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Kristyna Slechtova
